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2020 Election



Monday, 19 October:                 Last date to pay annual dues to be eligible to be nominated

                                                             – 30 working days before the date of election

Tuesday, 20 October:                    Nomination opens

Tuesday, 10 November:                Nomination closes

Thursday, 12 November:              Publication of final list of approved candidates by Electoral Subcommittee

Saturday, 14 November:              Campaign starts

Wednesday, 25 November:         Last date to pay annual dues to be allowed to vote at the elections.

Friday, 27 November:                   Campaign ends

Saturday, 28 November:              Election date.

Key Points

  1. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 general elections will be conducted virtually on Zoom.

  2. As a result, Rules 54(4) to 54(8) in relation to ballot paper does not apply.

  3. The Zoom polling tool will be used to conduct the election by secret ballot.

  4. The Zoom polling tool has been checked and confirmed to be secure and configured to allow ONLY one vote by each member participating in the zoom meeting. Therefore, the meeting registration will be approved manually to ensure that only financial members who are entitled to vote are approved to participate in the meeting and that each person has registered only once.

  5. Only financial members will participate in the AGM, and therefore, the general elections.

  6. All zoom registrations for the AGM will be manually approved after they are cross-checked and vetted against the list of financial members.

  7. Members are, therefore strongly advised to use the same credentials used to register their NSV membership to register for the meeting.

  8. The registration confirmation email will contain a personalized link to be used to join the meeting, which can only be used once. Therefore, members should not share the link as the first person who uses it gets through and other attempts to join will fail.

  9. The Zoom polling tool displays the percentage of votes immediately after a poll is closed. Therefore, winners will be declared immediately as the person with the highest percentage of votes cast. The actual counts of the votes will be downloaded as a report after the meeting for archiving.

  10. It is advised that these guidelines be read carefully and in conjunction with NSV’s Rules and Operational Protocols.

Download the full Election Guidelines here.

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